Dec 19, 2019
Clark Strand and Perdita Finn take us on a deep dive into the Rosary to uncover her ancient mystical goddess secrets hidden in plain sight right under the nose of the patriarchal Catholic church.
One big mystery is “The Mysteries” themselves, 15 stories that tell our story of human life and the story of human...
Dec 5, 2019
Sit down. Get ready. Love is coming. She's knocking at the door. When you start praying the ancient pre-patriarchal goddess worship hidden in every bead of the rosary, you will discover what my theme song has been telling you all along: “You are not praying; you are being prayed, prayed at the speed of love.” That...
Nov 14, 2019
As a boy, Stephen Post has a recurring dream with a strange prophetic message. Following the dream, he gets on Route 80, leaves his broken-down car on the side of the road, thumbs his way West, and—surprise—the dream unfolds in real time on the Golden Gate bridge. You couldn’t make this story up if you wanted to!...
Oct 31, 2019
Hallie offered her personal prayer practice and how it has evolved into action. Prayer without action is 1/3 effective, prayer with personal action is 2/3 effective, but prayer with collective action is 3/3. She created All One Ocean to excite collective action. Every piece of plastic removed is a prayer. We talked...
Oct 17, 2019
Kimberly opened with a prayer that quite literally opened our hearts. She shared how prayer has transformed her life from a miracle on the beach at 16 to the radical prayer that restored her to health after years of pain. That prayer opened the path that took her from financial consulting to angel consulting. We...